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Showing posts from September, 2022

Closet review //fashion

In The Closet After getting the new trench coat and giving it a steaming to get t the wrinkles out , hanging it in the closet  I noticed the different styles of coats  I have collected over the last ten years.  Some I barely wore, others worn daily.  Mostly I have neutral shades. From a camel coat to the leopard print, a navy peacoat .the always worn leather biker jacket . Then a newer winter coat that I absolutely love with its wrap style and fur trimmed hood.  One style I haven’t got are more casual sporty types .  I have been eyeing a few  like the quilted jacket style . They are lightweight, windproof and probably warmer on those rainy windy days .  Here are a few that might be ideal Some color for fall I think is great or a neutral shade .    

FALL LOOK//fashion

Classic Fall Styling A definite change in the weather with rain showers off and on. So will need to start wearing a coat when out.   A classic is the trench coat . There a re so many styles versions to find.  Find ing the right one with a style one likes can take some time. I like a trench with not to much fuss , simple clean lines , plus the right color. Sometimes shades can be tricky in the store lights. I like a darker beige shade , so I finally found it. Wear it with slacks ,a simple striped top and  comfortable shoes.  Or dress it up .  The   Trench

DIY Beauty tip//

Nail Repair  So annoying the other day I ripped the corner of my fingernail but then it tore even more to the middle. So i thought maybe I can fix it . Checked online and viola. Found a way to repair a broken nail  Really quite simple with a teabag and superglue. Yes really and it works for a simple fast fix. Steps  take a teabag cut open remove tea  cut a piece to about size of nail  to cover . No need to be precise.  Get superglue spread small amount on nail to cover  , using tweezers place teabag on nail , press in place  Let dry then cut away any bits of the teabag.  Says to buff after but I didn’t, as it might tear the material  But it does work for a quick fix . Apply your nail polish as usual. Voila  DIY Nail Repair  The middle nail repaired   

All About the Hands // beauty , nails

 FINISHING TOUCHES Somedays one has to pay special attention to ones personal care from taking care  of ones body, skin ,hair and nails . Finding time  to  spend getting these things done can  Take several hours . Also finding the right products to use .  I recently bought a new manicure set for traveling , it’s very compact and handy. Comes in handy if I need to trim or file a nail in a hurry.   I also found a new nail polish to try. Perfect for the season.  Natural nails Before     After Not a professional job  So what are some your recent beauty products purchased or your favorites?