I wonder how many women want to have plastic surgery? I have often thought I might get a nose job. ( but I have other things I would rather spend my money on).
From Kylie Jenner with her pout (lip work) becoming the youngest billionaire and many more Hollywood stars that have gone to have somethings done to their faces or bodies.
Surprisingly the country with the most plastic surgeries it seems are in the South American countries - Brazil, Venezuela , Argentina. Women who want to enter beauty contests will go to any expense to
get plastic surgery. Lately it has been the backside that is getting enhanced, to get a bigger bottom the patient is injected with a acrylic-glass filler. Sounds interesting, a glass bottom.
A young mom who went for such a procedure died.
Of course not all plastic surgery is bad , but looking back at the breast silicon fiasco it makes me wonder why women go through
such things to change their looks. Magazines or the thing to always wanting to look younger and fresh. Why are women always made to feel their looks are not good enough? I suppose if one is a actor and the face is on the big screen, it is more noticeable. Makes me think of the movie with Goldie Hawn /First Wifes Club , with her enormous lips. Well to each their own. Whatever makes you happy and works for self confidence.
Later in life, perhaps a few things can be altered, i.e. lines around the eyes or a boob lift . Wait and see- or never say never.
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