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A LITTLE BIT OF KINDNESS / lifestyle , health



This week is  KINDNESS WEEK.  Something that the world needs now, especially with all the negative news around. So its a nice idea to share . I only read about Kindness week and thought what a great idea.

According to studies done in the states, there is a link to kindness and living a longer life.
Now that sounds very interesting, to imagine that when we are kinder to others  it not only makes them feel good but it also can help us.  The study shows that any small gesture can have a profound effect on a persons mind  it can  lower blood pressure, relief stress .

There are so many ways to show kindness in small ways.  helping someone carry their bags, giving up your seat for an elderly person or young mom,  baking cookies for a sick neighbour, sending a card , or holding the door open for someone. These small things can mean a lot to someone.

I know for myself it does make you feel noticed. I often see young people on the metro sitting well an senior person is left standing.  It makes me think, what a shame .  Or if someone is standing in a grocery line with only few items and your cart is full, to let them go ahead of you.  Simple small
acts like that doesn't cost anything and to me seems like the right thing to do.

A book titled the The Rabbit Effect  by Columbia University doctor Kelli Harding , studied  the effect
of kindness and the results.   It helps your immune system, lowers blood pressure and helps one to live longer.  Clearly all of those facts are a good thing.

So today , this week or month  its a good time to share some kindness with others.


images. country living magazine
cat via bloom nation  


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