I recently read a very interesting article about how a woman are treated differently according to the
color of their hair - Blonde or Brunette. It is about a young woman who was blond but changed her hair color to a brunette, wore glasses, no makeup and no heels.
Why ? Because she felt it was the way for her to get more respect at the workplace and be taken more seriously.
So what is it about the blonde image? Is it all the images that are in magazines that show woman in sexist ways or less bright? The brunette is seen as more competent or decisive. Whereas a blonde woman is considered the opposite.
I am a natural blonde and I certainly am not a model. but still considered attractive. I like to wear makeup, heels and dress attractively. I have also worked in a male dominated workplace, and only once can I say the idea of being a ditzy blonde was mentioned by male co worker, to which I immediately made it clear to him - such remarks are discriminatory and not respectful. I made my point loud and clear.
So my point is, why should i change my hair color to get the respect and be taken more seriously? It is me and I definitely don't plan to change it.
I might be considered a feminist or not, but I do believe people no matter hair colour, skin color , their size or their sex or age should be treated with RESPECT.
So maybe if woman in the workplace encounter such rude disrespectful people, the best thing is to
set the record straight .
Confident, strong and intelligent is more important to show then the shade of ones hair.
Be comfortable and be strong is all you need to do to change peoples image of women.
Not the shade of your hair.
So what are your thoughts on the blonde or brunette thing? Does the color of your hair effect your image at work? Or are you the type not to bother with that old sexist idea.
fotos via pinterest
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