It has finally happened, 2 major big fashion houses DIOR and Gucci have decided that the models they have on the runways will have to be a certain size. No more super skinny and hurray to that. Time that it happened and shows that woman need to be healthy and not overly thin.
Of course the fashion houses , fashion designers want to show the clothes so they appeal to women consumers. But most woman are not size 0 , or model size. Don't get me wrong I love fashions and all the beautiful clothes.
But fit and healthy is important for young girls growing up . Its something when i was younger never thought about, being super thin . I suppose I was more a tomboy or sport lover. So worrying about my size never really mattered. Of course now as older, its even more important but sadly much harder. No longer the size small or medium. But more important is to be healthy, whatever ones size. Be it an XS or XL its your HEALTH that matters most.
So its something one can't avoid or help, if genetics is the key - we are genetically built, be it tall or short, big or small.
So I have realized more important is to be happy, healthy and enjoy all the things in life one can. Be it a small thing or big thing .Don't sweat the size of your clothes , its not the be all and end all of the world.
Smile, walk proudly and show your personality and confidence . Fashion is only a small part of ones life , more important is taking care of your body and your health.
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