We all have looked at the fashion magazines, instagram or advertisements that show the perfect looking girl or guy with the perfect figures, smiles, hair .... and think it be nice to look like that too.
So thin, the long legs or 6 pack stomach, the perfect shape or no wrinkles .
Well reality is a lot of those images have been altered . I am sure most of us know this, but believe we change our bodies to look thinner too. Or if we buy a certain product we will have no wrinkles.
Woman and young girls are mostly effected by this steady onslaught of media. and is most likely the reason for the increase in anorexia . The pressure to be perfect or ideal look.
Well finally France has made it illegal to not indicate that any image in magazines or ads has to state that it has been photoshopped or an 'Edited photo.' This is a step in the right direction.
I for one admire the young woman that are standing up to the media . Like Iskra Lawrence the plus size model that shows what a real body looks like. Its also good for women in the model industry that are not considered plus size.
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