WELCOMING 2018 .... what is your resolution for 2018??
Usually people start the new year with their NEW YEARS resolutions like diets, gym or marathons etc. I use to maybe mentally have good intentions to start, but after some months it comes to end - like most people so i have read. Goals that are not met can make it worst for a person , according to a
study done. So why make resolutions? No one wants to fail or not reach a goal.

So if gym membership does not work , then do something else you like to do - walking, swimming , skiing or dancing.
An activity you enjoy is more likely to be the one you will keep doing.
Resolutions - I don't bother to make any and truth is works much better for me. Of course I have ideas and things that need to be done and usually does happen, but somethings one can no control, like ones health, workplace situations or even personal relationships. Some of the goals were not even part of my resolution , things just happened . My one dream or goal was always to live in Europe (where family came from) and it happened totally by surprise.
Or travels to places that were not even on my places - To See List, but going there was an eye-opener and more. So whatever ones resolutions it can happen , but not the way you planned or thought.
Like blogging, not something I ever thought I be doing, but thanks to internet and technology it happens. So overall things work out .
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