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Showing posts from March, 2018


ALL ABOUT THE BLAZER Even though the weather is not so warm that we can't wear a coat , its nice to go lighter and make use of a blazer. If you have wool one then it is perfect for the chillier mornings, My favourite color combination is   black , white and red. Its eye catching but still a classic look. THE LOAFERS FLATS or SLIP ON  the big trend , but still practical for walking in. The Gucci style is something everyone is wearing.  but for something different this RED one will do !  A classic red is my favourite with the detail on the heel in the snake skin print. Something a little different for a loafer. RED SNAKESKIN LOAFER THE BLAZER A must have for any wardrobe, wearing it with a belt  or not, nice neck scarf and pair of sunglasses. A very smart stylish look for spring or summer. White is ideal for summer. + THE BELL SLEEVE A absolute must have, its still in style and adds a lot to a look. Add it to my s...


REFRESHING SPACES  The feel of spring  is definitely in the air now. Wonderful to finally have a chance to get out in the garden or parks and enjoy the sunshine and sounds of nature. I don't know about others but spring is when I have a big desire to change things inside, small things to give it a new look and make it feel more spring like. I am sure a lot of people feel the same way. But it adds up to if your buying new thing just for the sake of change. A few things I found on sale and think will be worth getting now FOR THE GIRL  BEDROOM&SPACE Mirror and scented candles , the perfect things to get a luxurious feel to a room Starting with  a great mirror, this one I love with the base that can hold rings or earrings. another nice item is the glass vase , use to hold combs, brushes or the some fresh flowers-nothing say SPRING more then a bouquet of flowers. A beautiful golden frame to hold a special photograph. ...


A PERFECT PEARL I have to admit I have a big weakness for jewelry,  and most of all anything in gold with accents (thanks to my mom) She was never without her jewelry, earrings, rings or the occasional pearl accent. I do love pearls too, it is a classic.  Usually for weddings or the bride. I recently saw a designer that has  something different that doesn't look to formal, and can be worn casual style. Mizuki pearls jewelry looks simple and modern HERE are my favourites  a ring,  bracelets and other gorgeous  pieces that are simple with a modern twist.  Think i will add it to my birthday list. The jewelry is real 14k gold with pearls and some have diamond accents. Whats not to love about that combination?


FIRST DAY OF SPRING   Yes the first day of wonderful spring is here - so the weatherman tells us. but looking out the window at snow its Not spring yet.   Usually it is more rainy and the buds have started to appear, not this year. Oh well make the best of it and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate . I can't wait for spring, the change of colours, even our fashions start to get more colourful. Some of the trends this spring are those bright colors. For some it may be to much . Something easier on the eye for a pop of colour is a purse, shoes or scarfs if your looking to add just a bit of colour. The SEASONS SPRING COLOURS Suits and dresses  the suits are a versatile idea, if you want to  wear the blazer later with another color, or another piece  such as a skirt . So a great blazer is a definite item to have for spring. A rainbow of colors.... my favourite pink  suit- Romantic looking dresses that are so feminine.  SUN...

WONDERLAND // travel & lifestyle

ICE SKATING & DREAMING What to do in winter? Ice-skating maybe. Even when all the wonderfulChristmas markets are over , we can still enjoy the beautiful  city centre. And if you love to skate the most amazing spot to go is at the RATHAUS.  It is a dreamland or as they call it Eislauftraume    iceskating dream. Which it is! The facility is fantastic with   larger ice rinks and the ice pathways that lead around the lite park area for a more quiet space to enjoy. Later after all that activity , there are several food venues to nourish your hunger.  Beers to hot chocolates and other yummy delights. It is an absolutely great way to spend the evening or weekend outing. HAPPY WEEKEND  EVERYONE! 


IS  IT SPRING OR IS IT WINTER? Middle of March and it seemed like spring had arrived finally. I am sure like most people they were feeling happy to have the warmer temperatures too. After the winter temperatures that hit all of Europe - then last week  it was so warm and sunny with 14C. It was such a relieve to not have to bundle up in so much winter wear. But sadly it was  not going to last, the weekend will bring us snow again.  So what to do  or wear when the temperates yoyo up and down like that?  It is for me the most difficult time.  Can you wear only a light coat, or cover up with winter coat? Never know exactly. I usually go for a knit top under a light coat or  option 2 winter coat with lighter clothes under. WARMING UP when it is still chilly! This gorgeous shearling is for sure comfortable and warm. Something that will last for years. A nice knit dress and knee high boots ( for simple casual lo...


LETS CELEBRATE STRONG WOMEN Today is a day for women to be proud and celebrate the many things that have been achieved. From the right to vote to woman explorers in space. Women have many things to do still, like equal pay, and more voices in politics.  Something so important as education for all girls and proper  medical care in place where medical help is limited.  There are many more issues but it is fixable with strong women that are going to use their voices to make changes.  So as women we can all help one another , respect each other, show support for each other, and kindness.   There are many women that have overcome serious obstacles and overcame them.   I like to read or watch movies that show the courage that these women have. One that I found interesting was with Reese Witherspoon  , Wild.     Based on one womans expedition into the wild, along a the northwest coast of USA  al...

EXOTIC STYLE// fashion

CAFTAN & COMFORT I was never one to wear caftans , a maxi dress for summer was more what i like, but I found this one caftan that was to me simply gorgeous . The colors and the print  of gold , blue, accents of black and  other colors was just to lovely to resist. So I bought a long  and a short one. It looks so exotic  with some golden accessories , perhaps it is why I like the beautiful prints on saris. The silks and details of some are absolutely exquisite . So when  the summer heat starts here or when on holidays I plan to wear it a lot. The silkiness and comfort of it is amazing.   And the shorter version is going to be my go to coverup over a swim suit. So I am a convert.   A caftan or two might be my go to holiday item, paired with some simple flat sandals , and VOILA  a bit of chic . There is nothing more exotic then a beautiful peacock,  the vibrant colours, blues , greens  golds and black  was what I ...


THE BIG NIGHT ! I have always loved to watch the Oscar awards, but living overseas it is a bit late to catch it, plus it does not show the Red carpet with the fashions. What I want to see mostly- of course the awards are wonderful also. This year though the  stage for the Oscars was decorated with  Swarovski crystals, an Austrian company that has made crystal famous. Most people know the brand. Just how many crystal did it take? I read it was 45 million. That is a unimaginable number  but what a sight and display. To see such sparkle and glitz would have been breathless. Even here the main store in the center of the city always has the most amazing windows displays. One can not resist to go inside and look around.  But for anyone who loves sparkle   there is always a nice piece of jewelry one can find those sparkle bracelets or earrings. What ever you want