Middle of March and it seemed like spring had arrived finally. I am sure like most people they were feeling happy to have the warmer temperatures too. After the winter temperatures that hit all of Europe - then last week it was so warm and sunny with 14C. It was such a relieve to not have to bundle up in so much winter wear. But sadly it was not going to last, the weekend will bring us snow again.
So what to do or wear when the temperates yoyo up and down like that? It is for me the most difficult time. Can you wear only a light coat, or cover up with winter coat? Never know exactly.
I usually go for a knit top under a light coat or option 2 winter coat with lighter clothes under.
WARMING UP when it is still chilly!
This gorgeous shearling is for sure comfortable and warm. Something that will last for years.
A nice knit dress and knee high boots ( for simple casual look slack, jeans and a nice shirt )

Sometimes one needs to wear something little more dressy or feminine. A nice dress under and those red boots that are so much in style add the extra.Simple and chic style.

SO what is your outfit choice for when the weather changes from one extreme to the next?
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