Hopefully those that were getting into the shopping mania of Black Friday survived. It can be a stressful time for some that are looking for a certain item or trying to get the best deal . Who doesn't like a great deal, right? So after all the hype and shopping time to relax and put the feet up.
Thought I would share some interesting stories from around the world. you might like to read.

Do you remember those? Most shopping malls had them. Step into the booth , deposit your money and wait for the flash then get a strip of photos. I can remember the times a friend and I tried it.
Now a days photo booths have become techno, photos can be almost photoshopped. Change your eye shape , color, make lips bigger or smaller - you get the picture. You can read more about it here.
PET LOVERS this a heartwarming article hero dogs. I love dogs or pets and reading about these dogs that are rescuing lives is extra moving. I can relate to the story because we had a beautiful German Shepard dog that was part of the family for years. He was extremely clever, as a matter of fact he did save a mans life. The young man had taken the dog with him on a camp trip. One day he decided to take a swim and dived off a dock into the water. Our dog was up at the family cabin , then suddenly he raced down the hill to the water, swam in and grabbed on to the young mans arm. Whether he pulled him onto shore , this i don't know - but his family ran down to see and realized something was wrong. The young guy was pulled from the water unable to move. In hospital it was discovered he had broken his neck. So knowing that our pet saved a mans life is heartwarming.
HIGH FASHION NEWS - well we would all love to have a designer item, be it a designer bag or shoes. Well in China there are stores that appear to sell designer products like PRADA or LV.
Only thing the stores are not the real thing and neither are the items - check out the the news NON PRADA SHOPS
fotos flickr , AKC
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