Besides the usual fragrances or jewelry and the other smaller things pjs and books. I was thinking i would love to get a cashmere sweater, but then reading about the quality or lack of in some products thought it be disappointing if the item is not great.
So i wondered is it worth spending 200euros + for something that will not last or look like new after only a few wears or perhaps just a nice wool sweater. So cashmere, wool or mohair?
I was curious where does it come from
or is made- cashmere first was produced in Kashmir, and comes from the Kashmir goats.
Mohair comes from angora goat, and the yarn is like silk, it is called the Diamond fibre because of its sheen and luster and the fact it takes dyes well.
Besides the usual fragrances or jewelry and the other smaller things pjs and books. I was thinking i would love to get a cashmere sweater, but then reading about the quality or lack of in some products thought it be disappointing if the item is not great.
So i wondered is it worth spending 200euros + for something that will not last or look like new after only a few wears or perhaps just a nice wool sweater. So cashmere, wool or mohair?
Cashmere is a much sought after product. The lightness, warmth and comfort are some reasons it is so popular. Cashmere is finer, stronger, lighter, softer and approximately three times more insulating than sheep wool.

or is made- cashmere first was produced in Kashmir, and comes from the Kashmir goats.
Nowadays it is produced in china and other countries. The fleece is gathered when the goat starts to shed or is either combed or shaved and then separated the longer hair removed till only the soft fleece is left. Then it is spun to make the cashmere and woven into products.
merino wool
Another option is mohair - warm and very soft next to skin, it usually is combined with cotton or other materials, when you read labels a certain percentage is mohair. I happened to get a
mohair knit top that is really warm , soft to the touch and comfortable.

IN WINTER it is warm to wear because of its insulating properties and cool in summer due to its moisture wicking properties.
It is warmer than other fibers, even when used to
make a light-weight garment
Durable, naturally elastic, flame resistant and crease resistant.
Cashmere , silk or angora are considered luxury fibres and usually more expensive than most wool.
So whether its wool , cashmere or mohair its
sure to keep you warm come the cold winters
and last you years.
and last you years.
credits: zara, hm, wikipedia
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