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Showing posts from July, 2019


GOING TO THE PARK Summer time, we all like to head to the lake or parks . for a picnic or swimming.  But there is a lot more to do then that in the parks.  I was  amazed to find out on weekends one can head to the park and learn to dance.  From waltz to rumba , how much fun is that and I love to dance.  So a bit more practice is good , plus the exercise  is also  a good idea! BOATS & FIREWORKS one of the main summer events is held along the old danube, a boat and firework display to see . One can even rent a small boat to enjoy the event.  Also there are plenty of places to stop and get a treat , meal or drink. A nice place to spend the day anytime.

TRAVEL PLANS? // Travel, lifestyle

SUMMER TRAVEL & HOLIDAYS We all have our holiday plans arranged or will soon be taking a trip somewhere. Last few years we have not  taken so many trips  a few short trips around the country  which is always a nice idea. PLANES VS TRAINS When I would take trips, it was sometimes a long haul flight , something i rarely do or like. Otherwise I have to say I love to travel via train , even as a kid it was one of my favourite ways to travel. Whether it takes longer is fine , it is way more relaxing, comfortable and being able to move around the train , seeing the countryside is a bonus in my books. In the last year we have heard so much about the climate change and how our lifestyles or businesses are effecting the environment  . The young swedish climate activist girl has made it  clear , people need to change their lifestyle. There is even a word for it   Flyskam  in Swedish, meaning flight shame. ...


THE BUZZ WORD - SUSTAINABLE Everywhere  you will read  about fast fashion and how bad it is for the environment.  And how we as consumers are changing our shopping habits, which is a good thing. Perhaps you are buying less or better made items.  The latest fast fashion company to follow the sustainable i dea is Zara. They want to recycle, reuse your old things . They also are going to use more organic natural materials. I do believe HM started doing the same a few years back, to collect your used items and gave you store credit.  So in some ways it is a good thing, but overall we need to rethink our fashion choices We can start by wearing our clothes in  different ways, making it more versatile. For example; how many pairs of jeans does one need?  or pair of slacks? How often do we shop for new things ? I have to say, I love to shop for new pieces, but usually are pieces  that mix or match   that wor...


THE SIMPLE THINGS IN LIFE Yes i can say , I have sort of adapted now to life in Europe. Though it was not all so hard as i had spent time here as a teenager and noticed the differences then. So to give you a few clues to the lifestyle of Europe  things i do now , that i didn't do before. CHEERS, BROSTE  Well first off, this one thing I noticed here, the Europeans love their wines and beers.  I am not big fan of either , but i do love a sparkling wine on a hot day occasionally. DAILY LIFE Shopping, going for groceries more often for daily things is more common. They prefer to get things fresh or baked daily.  Not toast bread but healthy breads that fill you up.  No costco or mega food centres. CAFES A MUST Coffee is number 1 in the mornings, no instant ever! OUTDOOR MARKETS I think every European city has several. Its a custom to go to the markets, ramble around, buy fresh vegetables fruits Enjoy an gelato.......


IN THE NEWS  product safety Like most women I like to wear earrings , but sometimes I have problems wearing them.  My ears will start to itch and bother me or become very red. So I started to wear more gold ones and don't have any problems.  Of course one concern i have is losing a pair of earrings, especially if a real gold pair.  It has happened to me even though it seemed the earring was secure.  So sometimes I try to find other types , that I get no reaction too.  Recently I came across a news page that is part of the EU product safety and there it was  noted some earrings were being recalled due to high nickel content or allergic reactions. The page is in German , but there are photos of the items and product codes. Also it covers many products we as consumers use in our daily life.  So if there is anything you are concerned about and want to check out , then this page is a good source of information.  This page...


THE HIGHS and LOWS of HEELS There have been reports on women in the workplace that are not following the workplace rules regarding footwear .  I am sure there are many women that can relate to this issue. The latest report was about a woman in Japan, but there was another case where the woman sued for discrimination.  It seems like a trivial thing but in some ways it is important. Why do woman have to suffer with foot pain, blisters or the risk of getting injured even , because their workplace tells them to wear HEELS. I love heels and shoes in general, but there are some girls that have problems wearing heels.  Its not always a good thing to have to wear heels, especially if you are dealing with sprains or other problems. Heels or those that are to high, add a lot of stress to the body and can cause back pain. I would rather see people being comfortable, able to work  and not hobble along like a injured body. IF one is tidy, neat cle...

ENJOYING the WEEKEND// Lifestyle, Travel

WHERE TO SOAK  In the city there is no shortage of places to go swim with over 50 swimming places from indoor pools to outdoors, take you pick. They are located all over the city.  Swimming was  made popular in the early 1900s , when the city setup swimming areas  around the danube.  It created a mini holiday for the working classes.  Some of the indoor pools are amazing because of their architecture. A art deco styles, modern and many others . The outdoor locations are also well worth a visit, from the island Ganselhof with its individual cabins and large grassy areas, or those that like to try diving at a laareberg.   There is something for everyone. This weekend turns out to be hot again, so it is a good idea to go swimming ART DECO POOLS The famous Amalienbad with its mosaic walls and stain glass .  Here you can also get  massages or foot care, suntanning  or enjoy drinks in the restaurant, M...


TENNIS or HORSE RACES  ANYONE?🏆🏆🏇🏇 TENNIS is one of my favourite summertime sports. Though I don't play it anymore(bad knee), but i do enjoy to follow the game. It is  a fast sport with some strategy involved. That is what makes it so exciting.   Soon is the major event at Wimbledon will be exciting to see who will be the BIG winner  Federer or Murray? So to get ready for a day of tennis , this would be my style for the day.  Something cool, definitely comfortable and stylish- ✔✔LINEN skirt cool and practical for a hot summer day. ✔✔ White COTTON top tie front ✔✔  Stylish but comfortable SANDALS ✔✔   The SUNHAT a must ✔✔   A TOTE big enough to hold what you need, sunglasses, spray bottle, sunscreens and more.