There have been reports on women in the workplace that are not following the workplace rules regarding footwear . I am sure there are many women that can relate to this issue.
The latest report was about a woman in Japan, but there was another case where the woman sued
for discrimination.
It seems like a trivial thing but in some ways it is important. Why do woman have to suffer with foot pain, blisters or the risk of getting injured even , because their workplace tells them to wear HEELS.
I love heels and shoes in general, but there are some girls that have problems wearing heels.
Its not always a good thing to have to wear heels, especially if you are dealing with sprains or other problems. Heels or those that are to high, add a lot of stress to the body and can cause back pain.
I would rather see people being comfortable, able to work and not hobble along like a injured body.
IF one is tidy, neat clean , well groomed then what sort of shoe one wears should not be an issue.
Its a better idea to be comfortable.
Workplaces need to adjust to women's needs and requirements and not the old way of thinking.
Shoes that i would wear for work
✔ballet shoe
✔wedge heel
✔low heels kitten heels
✔runners for certain work places
✔boots whether a chelsea or hiker again it depends on the job
the choices are endless.
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