What are some of the things you will do after this pandemic is over?
Yes there are so many things we have had to stop, but I feel like the slow down in life was
a good thing, as I will appreciate more then ever the things I haven't been able to do.

The things I am looking forward to doing, the small things that make me happy.
no.1 Getting a HAIR CUT... definitely needed. The hair has grown to
long and needs some special attention.
No.2 A PEDICuRE, something to get the feet looking good for the summer sandals.
No.3 A MANICURE will be lovely too. A bit of self care is needed.
No.4 Getting together with friends, family.
No.5 Celebrating my Birthday properly.
No.6 Going to a restaurant my special place.
No.7 Going to the ZOO - to see the new baby polar bear and panda
No.8 Going to the MUSEUM and just sit there for the day looking and
admiring the paintings like never seen before.
No.9 Enjoying the day at the outdoor cafes. enjoying a ice cream.
No. 10 Strolling in the flower gardens, to feel the sun and smell the lavender.
No.11 In the Garden - seeing the trellis covered in sweet peas and smelling their heavenly . fragrance
No.12 Finish DIY projects for the garden & house.
No.13 Going on a trip near or far. as planned for my birthday.
images: country living, wiki, amazon, klimt belvedere
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