WELL READ , WELL TRAVELLED & WELL DRESSED These words popped into my head the other day.... thinking about how some people are just that. Someone you meet randomly and started a conversation with. Its those few moments that you get a impression of what that person is like. Impressions ... how quickly the mind makes a mental note of the meeting. Is there someone you know that strikes you like that? WELL READ Reading.. I love books to look at for inspiration, for letting my mind wonder and dream, or solve the story Mysteries were one of my favourites. During the pandemic I thought i would look at reading some books that I might not normally read, so my idea was to start to read some of the books that were awarded the Nobel Peace prize. A good idea! So to start the reading journey i started with love.(love in the time of Cholera) and i am still reading it. Its a love story and one worth a read if you like romance. What books have y...
- modern - simple - chic