With the sweltering summer heat, the one thing I hate is having my hair feel like
a wet mop on my head. First its not a pretty thing plus it is uncomfortable.
Someone once told me.... No wonder your hot you have a fur hat on your head.
(reason being I have thick hair)
So whether it is longer or shorter it is nice to have some styling ideas and changes to how we
fix our hair. From hair clips to headbands or a nice scarf - it can be a great way to add
some colour or style to your everyday look.
(instead of sticking a baseball cap on)
How do you style your hair on a hot summer day?
a nice way to fix the hair in a hurry and still look cute, is wearing a hair band. Simple and easy way to give the your hair a different look or even the outfit you are wearing. These smart looking hair accessories would look great with a denim or white summer dress , casual t-shirt and jeans , or with the swimsuit. Ideal for long or short hair styles.

a great scarf has a lot of uses, and one is wearing wrapped around the head as a hairband. Looks classic and chic. Options are endless. Whether long or short hair it can look so chic..
a more decorative piece for added interest, floral or leafs. A bit of fun and fancy for summer.
a good old standard for medium or long hair. Another simple easy look.
use multiple clips on long hair to create ponytail. pull into sections and clip each section.
fotos HM
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