My very first suitcase as a child was a small white case, that was for my first train trip. A piece of memory from the past that I still have.
We all have one sitting somewhere in our closets or storage spot. I have had my share of suitcases some from years ago , minus the wheels to newer ones with wheels.
Sadly some have been badly handled and damaged.

My next set of suitcases were a set of hard-sided Samsonites. As a teenager on her first overseas trip it was like a dream trip. I of course had to have a red set - easier to spot on the luggage carousel. After several trips overseas the last trip they were so damaged , cracked cases and banged in. So my lovely set was destroyed. Angry and annoyed with the airline which was a major airline.
So after some time I needed a newer one, tempted by a sale and deal bought another well known brand, a large black not exciting to look at but with a 10 yr guarantee thought it must be good.
Easy to haul with wheels and pull out handle. But after 2 trips only, the retractable handle was no longer retractable it would not push down. Another suitcase destined for the bin.
What is it with suitcases? I have not found one that will last more then a few years, Between airlines wrecking them or crappy made it is a big annoyance plus an expense to have replace them after only a few trips!
I did finally find another one, after looking at some at a major department stores the prices astounded
me. One case is my favourite now a smaller weekender type with a simple pull handle, had it for years and it still is fine, perhaps because I carry it on and don't let it go with airline baggage.
So for anyone out there that travels a lot, overseas or shorthaul flights I would love to hear any recommendations on luggage. What one you use and how long you have used it?
I am desperate to find a good set now.
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